Sun, Jul 22 '18, 18:32
Favorite Heroes/Villains
Who's your favorite hero/villain so far in the /co/ superhero threads?
Which hero/villain do you think has the best design?
Sun, Jul 22 '18, 18:40
I'm not Garry
My Favorite Villain: Doodlemancer, Timedal, Ratking
My Favorite Hero: Dimension D, Horndogs, Enakai Dynamo

Best Design: Marshall Riot
Sun, Jul 22 '18, 19:03
Villain: Slick, Rat Bastard, Taoiseach
Hero: Tomato Girl, Enkai Dynamo, Jerry
Best Design: Solar Stix
Sun, Jul 22 '18, 20:11
Favorite Villain: Rat King, Sun God & Cultists (yes they count together), Doodlemancer
Favorite Hero: Bulwark, Spineless, Dimension D
Best Hero Design: Flashback
Best Villain Design: Marshall Riot

(I cannot pick my own people, it hurts me to do so.)
Sat, Jul 28 '18, 17:27
F_Villain: Ratbastard, Timedal(is she a villain?) Armor Charmer, Jumpscare, Big crunch
F_Heroes: Jurel(i believe he's a hero now?) Flashback, Scarlet, Rambler, Heroman
F_Designs: Dynamo, Riot, Horndogs, Elemental Girl, Ravestone
( Same with everyone else i cant pick my own people
Wed, Aug 01 '18, 10:16
Fave Heros:
The dynamic and dysfunctional duo of Scarlet and D
The horndogs are very cool too
Jurel, stix, and King of Clean are also great,same with stoppo.
I could list more but these are the ones that are at the top of my head

Fave Villians:
Knight light is a good second
AC is an awesome villian too

Fave Design:
Ooh, really hard to pick
I'd go with either Aether, Stoppo, Stix, or the horndogs
All of them have very good color schemes, and are not too overcomplicated yet memorable

Wed, Aug 15 '18, 15:42
Favorite Hero: Dimension D(if he's a hero. If not then I.T.)
Favorite Villain: Slick
Favorite Design: Sockwatch

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